Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 12: Linda visits Susan, Nicolas, and Caroline

After all of our visiting in Cottonwood and ShowLow, we returned to SMR for another couple of weeks.  During that time, Linda flew to Wichita to visit her kids.

Caroline, Susan and I went to a Jazz Festival in one of the local parks.

I spent time going to Caroline and Nicolas's activities for the summer.
Caroline played on a softball team

Nicolas's summer job was as a referee for softball leagues in the area. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

May 19-June 14: Jerome, Cottonwood, ShowLow

We left Apache Junction for a month to get away from the heat.  During that time we stayed in Cottonwood, AZ touring Jerome, the Lapitka Ruins, and visiting with friends.  We then went to ShowLow, AZ to see our friends who spend the summer months in the White Mountain area.


Jerome was a prosperus mining town in the early 1900's. The town was built on the side of the mountain about 10 miles from Cottonwood. It flourished for a number of years until the mine closed and it became a ghost town.  Today it is an artist community with many stores, art galleries, and restuarants.  A fun place to spend the day.

While in Cottonwood, we toured the Lapitka Ruins where the early Ancients made their home.



From Cottonwood we drove to ShowLow.  
We were there for the weekend of the annual Native American PowWow

 The dress and feathers and colors were simply awesome.

While in ShowLow Barb and I took a walk around WoodLake Park.  We saw many bird species and I had a great time trying to get good photos of them.  Many would not cooperate and would fly off just as I had my camera set up and ready to shoot.