Saturday, December 09, 2006


From Brussels 2006
I think Bruge was our favorite city. The main area of town is a wonderfully large plaza with the architecture of the buildings surrounding the plaza looking like they were right out of a magazine or a movie set. Only, of course, we realize that the movie sets were designed with Bruge in mind.

At one end of Bruge is this great clock tower. Both Nicolas and Caroline cli
mbed to the top at a previous visit and loved the climb. We did not do the climb.
From Brussels 2006
But we did stop at one of the food stands and get brats for Nick and new gloves for Caroline.
From Brussels 2006

The streets were crowded with Christmas shoppers so all of the small shops were packed. What was so exciting and delightful was to peak in the windows of some the shops; our favorites were the sausage shop,
From Brussels 2006
the Dumon chocolate shop, and the Vinegar and Oil shop.

At the time we were there, Bruge was having an Ice and Snow Sculpture Show. The theme was characters from the Ice Age 3 movie.
From Brussels 2006
It was cold walking through the exhibit but the workmanship was magnificient.Each character, whether crafted from ice or from snow, was sculpted with great detail and delightful to see. Afterwards we warmed up with hot cocoa and hot tomato soup.

So as the day ended and sun started to set, left the plaza of Bruge and headed home to Erbaut.
From Brussels 2006

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