Tuesday, May 29, 2007

May 24 - 30: Panquitch, UT (Bryce National Park)

We did three days of touring in this area.

First we drove 40 miles to the Fremont Indian State park. It is a remarkable area that has preserved the petroglyphs of the Fremont Indians. They lived in the area before the 13oo's and noone seems to know what happened to them after they left. But they left behind multitudes of rock art.

It seemed as though everywhere we walked there were drawings on the rocks.

Many of the drawings have meanings that to this day, noone has been able to explain. And many others are clearly people, sheep, rams with huge horns, rivers, concentric circles and one very tall (6') drawing of a person.

The next day we drove to Bryce Canyon.

Now that is an absolutely magnificient area. The hoodoos are inexplicably awesome. And the color in the rocks and peaks are this very vivid red with white limestone leaching through.

We learned the relationship between the Grand Canyon, Zion, and Bryce. Geologically, the Grand Canyone is at the bottom, the top of the Grand Canyon is Zion, and the top of Zion is Bryce.

And yesterday, we drove to Cedar Breaks National Monument. It was a beautiful drive up to 10,000' in the mountains with landscape of cedars, big pine, spruce, and other rocky mountain trees. And then we came to a vast area with red rocks much the same color and configuration of Bryce. So we experienced views from mountain pines and snow to vast area of red rock and then the landscape changed to huge pilings of volcanic rock. At first, it looked like someone had dug up the land and made huge hills of rocks. And then we learned that this is the remnants of volcanic eruptions. These large volcanic piles were taller than many of the pine trees and covered many miles of expanse.

Today is rest day. Clean the motorhome, update the blog, read, rest, prepare the motorhome for travel for tomorrow.

Next destination: Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Two weeks of completing projects and reading and who knows. We will check out the area. All we know is that it is 8000' in the mountains and a beautiful area.

Love to all of you,
Linda and Barb

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