Saturday, May 10, 2008

Our Week with the Grandkids

This week Robyn and Scott are in Montreal for a conference and we are staying at their house with Zack and Ashley.

On school days, we would get them ready for school, drop them off , and then drive across town to our motorhome for the day. After school we would pick them up and take them home. Two of the days, Zack had baseball practice/games. So we had to hurry home, get them fed, change clothes and off to the game. On Wednesday, practice day, I took Ashley to Borders to get some books. That way she had something special too. We all stayed for the game on Thursday. Zack had 2 hits, scored a run and threw a player out at first. He had a great day!!!

Today, Saturday, we went to the Mini-Grand Prix. There was race tracks of varying levels and the kids could drive the cars around the track. There were also rides and a game room. Lots of fun, but exhausting for us adults.

Robyn and Scott return on Sunday. Barb leaves for St. Louis on Tuesday to be with her mom. She is doing well and looks forward to Barb's visits.

Hope all is well with you.
Love and hugs,
linda and barb

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