Friday, October 06, 2006

Oct: 3: Zapata Falls

On the road to the sand dunes, we saw a sign to the Zapata Falls. So we thought it would be a good idea to try to find them. The ranger from the visitor center at the Dunes told us that we would have to first drive up a dirt road for 3 miles and then hike 1/2 mile to get back to the falls. She said that even if we did not hike, the drive to the top was worth the ride. And yes it was.

Our friends arrived to the state park the day after we did, so they spent their first morning going to the Dunes. Then in the afternoon we met them to go to the falls. We drove up the mountain side almost to the snow line.......temperature dropped about 20 degrees. By this time we were at 7400'.
When we got there we discovered the hike was uphill over what looked like must have previously been a river bed. So it was a very long 1/2 mile.......but Barb and I had our walking sticks and we made it. And so did everyone else. Low and behold, now we had to walk into the riverbed for another 1/4 mile with fast flowing water and hike into a cave to see the waterfalls. The rocks were slippery and water was cold. Did not seem too safe, so we just stopped there and admired the views.

We all had fun taking pictures and posing for pictures.

When we left the falls, we headed to two wildlife preserves where there was a possibility of seeing sandhill cranes.
The cranes are migrating at this time to locations in the south, mainly in the Texas area. But during October and early November they can be seen in the area of the Sand Dunes. At the first spot we went to, we could hear them, but they were so far away in the high grass that we could not see them. Fortunately, at the second preserve, we saw many of them out in the open.

Upon returning to the campground, we were treated with another wonderful sunset.
Because it was cloudy, the colors were not as vivid but the contrast of light and shadows was magnificient.

On Wednesday, Oct 4, we left to drive to Espanola, NM. It is located between Taos and Santa Fe. So touring this area will be the next adventure.

Love to all of you.

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