Saturday, November 17, 2007

Our first few days in St. Louis

Our flight to St. Louis was totally uneventful. Security lines were short, the plane was on time, and we only had short wait for the metro. We walked from the metro station to the Euclid and Laclede corner. Since it was cold, I stayed at the Sushi/Tea bar while Barb took my vest and gloves and walked to the condo to get the car. We had sushi for dinner ......... very nice treat.

Yesterday, Barb went to visit her mom for the day. They went to a performance of kindergarten children who came to Breeze Park to entertain the residents. They sang several songs. They wore these adorable Thanksgiving costumes ......grey vests with fringe that they made and decorated themselves as well as a headband with a feather. At the end of the performance they gave each of the residents a gift package. Barb said it was an absolutely delightful show.

I stayed at the condo and played on the computer. It gave me a chance to catch up on downloads, pay bills and update several programs that I had to work on. Very relaxing for me!

Today we are taking Elsie shopping for food and toys for Bailey. We thought she may enjoy going to the pet store and seeing the pets that are there. She would like to hang some of the pictures that she has painted so we will also go shopping for frames. Then tonight we will have dinner with her at Breeze Park.

I talked with Susan yesterday and everything seems in order for Peter and Caroline to fly in on Monday with Bailey. We are very excited! We will spend Monday with Susan and Nick and go to the airport Monday evening to meet the rest of the family. We have not seen the kids in a year and they have not been to the states in two years so this will be a very exciting trip and visit for all of us.

Love and hugs,
Barb and Linda

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