Friday, July 14, 2006

Beginning Entry July 14, 2006

Barb and I have decided to keep a record of our travels so that we can share our full timing experiences with family and friends. Rather than send e-mails that you may or may not want to read, we thought a blog would allow us to post our travels and experiences and let you decide if and when you want to read them.

This first entry will sort of summarize our most recent adventures since April 2006. In future days I will back track and perhaps describe our activities in greater detail.

April 2006: We left Apache Junction, our winter residence for now, and headed towards Las Vegas to visit the kids, Robyn, Scott, Zachary and Ashley. We spent a month in Vegas visiting and playing with the grandkids. Our special moments with them were the days we got to take each one out alone and do what they wanted to do. We took Zachary on a hike at Red Rock Canyon and built a flower pot and planted flowers. Ashley went to the bookstore and the library to read and purchase books. Her favorite activities!

May 2006: Then we were off to Palm Springs and San Diego to visit friends. Along the way we stopped in Laughlin, NV and Parker, NV. While in Parker we listened to a 1.5 hour talk to purchase a membership in the Colorado River Adventure membership park and instead of saying "thanks but no thanks," we said "Yes". So that meant we stayed in CRA parks for free while in those areas. Great deal! More about this later.

June 2006: For those of you who are used to hearing us talk about South Dakota and the Black Hills, I am sorry to say that for the first time in 8 years we are not going there. Our choice this year was to visit family in California. So we saw family in Las Angeles (stayed in Acton), Fresno (stayed in Coarsegold), and San Francisco (stayed in Pacifica). Notice that we do not stay in any of the cities but instead, chose camp in areas outside the city. Both Acton and Coarsegold were in the high desert areas, warm during the day and cool at night. But the views were splendid. Pictures to follow. Pacifica was a wonderful experience since we were camped on a bluff overlooking the ocean. It was great to see the family and have time with them.

July 2006: Okay, we are now more current. We left California right before July 4 and wanted to be sure we had a place to stay over the the Lake Tahoe area was the choice. And guess what Barb did the entire week we were there..............We actually stayed the Gold Ranch RV park (in Verdi, NV) which is right next to the Gold Ranch Casino and only 5-10 minutes from several others. So each day Barb spent the afternoons/evenings playing poker. The first day she won $70 in open play and then came in 3rd in a tournement .......$300. Not bad, huh! However by the end of the week she gave it all back to the she broke even. And had a wonderful time. I did get her away from the tables for one day so that we could drive around Lake Tahoe. It was beautiful and we had a great day. And of course, I do have pictures to include.

Moving right along which is what we do so well and love........we left Verdi, had several adventures along the way including an absolutely awful campground and are currently just outside of Garland, UT at a hot springs resort. The resort is out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by hills, mountains, farmland, and open space and just so happens to have a hot springs in the area. So at the Hot Springs resort, we can go to a mineral pool that has natural temperature between 95 and 105 degrees. They try to cool it down to around 95 degrees.

July 14, Today: Barb is in St. Louis for 4 days visiting with her mom. And I am here at the hot springs creating a Blog. What an adventure. The temperature here right now is 95. The nice thing though is that by evening it will be in the 80's and by night time it cools to the 70's. By time I awake, it is 50. So the a/c goes off at 6:00 pm and we sleep to the fan and fresh air. Mornings stay cool until about 10:00 am. This morning I took a 20 minute walk around the campground, did some stretching exercises and then spent 30 minutes in the pool doing water exercises. I could get spoiled by all of this.

Now the last 3 days have not been so glorious. The good and bad of this park is that every site has grass, that is the good, and the grass gets water 4 days a week, that is the bad. You see, when the grass get water, the motorhome gets watered. That means water spots that are dry in the morning and require cleaning each day. So I have washed the lower half of the motorhome each day and in fact have waxed it also...................

I will sign off for now. And add to this later. Actually I think I will try to add pictures and then publish this.

Love to all of you,

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