Saturday, July 15, 2006

July 15: April in Las Vegas with Zack and Ashley

We were in Boulder City/Las Vegas for the month of April. We spent time with Robyn and Scott and the grandkids. Robyn and Scott are very busy with their new business, Mad Science. It is a children's entertainment program that teaches science and does science experiments. They do birthday parties, after school activities, assemblies, summer programs and have recently started a chess club for children. They are loving and enjoying the work and we are very proud of them.

We loved our special days with the grandkids.

Ashley wanted to go to the bookstore and read books and then find several to take home with her.

Zachary was very excited about going on a hike in Red Rock Canyon. He loved using Barb's binoculars.

We found a waterfall that flowed into a pool of water and, of course, Zack and I walked on the rocks across the pool.

We had many other experiences while visiting with them. Zack and Ashley are both learning to play chess. Zack plays on a baseball team and while we were there, was the catcher. Ashley, who is always dressed in pink, played with her dolls, read her books and spent time on the slides and swings.

We also introduced them to fishing. We purchased fishing rods for them, Superman
for Zack and Barbie for Ashley, and took them to a lake in Boulder City. Barb and I spent 2 hours in Walmart the day before trying to buy the right hooks, sinkers, bobbins, line, and whatever. After about a half an hour of throwing in the line and catching nothing, we were assisted by two elderly men who took pity on us. They cut off the hooks and sinkers we were using and put on the right ones. Instantly both kids caught fish.............a great experience for them! And for us!

We will continue to plan visits to Las Vegas in the Spring of each year, though not always at the same time. When we are full timing we just have soooooooooooo many places we want to
go.....on of which is to Brussels to visit Susan, Peter, Nicolas and Caroline. More about them and pictures of them in a later posting. We also want to go to Mexico next year; there is resort there that is part of the membership parks that we purchased. More about that later too.

I am really enjoying sharing our adventures as full timers with all of you. When Barb gets back here from St. Louis this evening, I know she will want to add on to my comments. So stay up to date and keep reading.

Love to all of you.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your web site!!!! I told Terri we are going to the balloon festival next year. I have always wanted to do that. Please give us a call asap.
Karen and Terri
307-247-0841 or 0843 or
307-436-6048(home phone)