Monday, August 23, 2010

We are still at Campbell River, BC

We have found an ideal spot to camp and to sightsee and to just spend time. We are at the Salmon Point RV Resort, just south of the downtown Campbell River city center. The photo is the view from our window.

Our first few days in Campbell River were at the Thunder River RV Park. Our spot overlooked the water but was actually across the street from it. We enjoyed it so much that we searched for another spot on the water.

And we found Salmon Point.

Our campsite was right on the bluff overlooking the water.  Each evening and morning we would sit on the rocks and just watch the water, the scenery, the boats and the sunrise or sunset. 

 Sunrise over the water.

Some kids floated by on their homemade raft.  It reminded us of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.

We celebrated Luey's birthday while we were here.  Flo went all out with party favors.  

That night there was a full moon.  Co and I worked very hard to get a outstanding photo of the full moon.  We do have very expensive tripods in the car just a few feet away from us.  But we decided to make our own improvised tripod. 

We do love it here.

We will use this spot as a starting point for many day trips.
Hope you are all having safe travels, a good summer and good health. Our love to you,
Barb and Linda

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful moon.... Anxious to see pictures of the seals. The Missouri heat wave just broke, and we are experiencing a wonderful cold front. Fifty four degrees in St. Louis tonight---at last.